DevPar Financial Consulting Ltd.
DevPar Financial Consulting Ltd. Banner, DevPar logo in the center of the banner which is a 
world globe divided in two. One half is part of a D, the other half is part of a P. Two world maps in the background, one of each side of 
the DevPar logo. 4 pictures of various people from around the world are stacked on each side on top of the world maps in the background
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DevPar logo which is a 
world globe divided in two. One half is part of a D, the other half is part of a P.
Project ID - 116
African Region
Country of Ghana

Mid-term Assessment of the District Development Facility
and the Functional and Organization Assessment Tool

Ghanaian seminar attendees listen to a speaker Description
To conduct a mid-term assessment of the District Development Facility and the Functional and Organization Assessment Tool; and compare results with the District-Wide Assistance Program. The assessment addressed, within the above evaluation, a children and youth development initiative and a food security project. There was a value-for-money element to the study with reporting on Lessons Learned. Recommendations were made for adjustments to the project going forward.

 DevPar Financial Consulting Ltd. Project ID - 116
 Public Sector Reform
  & Governance
 Research, Studies, &
Mid-term Assessment of the District Development Facility and the Functional and Organization Assessment Tool
Funding Agency
DFATD Canada
Government of Ghana
Key Staffing:
 P. Hoffman
 J. Chester
 A. Schumacher
 R. D'Arcy
Associated Firm/
Salasan Consulting

DevPar logo which is a 
world globe divided in two. One half is part of a D, the other half is part of a P.

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