African Region
Country of Tanzania
Project Monitor to the Teacher Education Support Program (TESP)
To provide monitoring services in relation to the TESP;
specifically, to monitor the TESP and TA-TESP projects' progress and performance in achieving results, including gender equality results;
to monitor the project management and overall operating structure;
and, to provide analysis, feedback, and recommendations to DFATD to ensure appropriate execution of the project activities and improve performance;
and to demonstrate impact and value-for-money.
The Monitor provided document review, technical assistance before the arrival of the TA team, and visits to selected Teachers' Colleges of the 35 TCs in the project.
The aim of this five-year $60 million CAD project is to improve the qualifications of 3,000 college instructors, and approximately 50,000 new teachers.
Conducted jointly with CIPM, Oakville.
Extended to June 2025.
DevPar Financial Consulting Ltd.
Project ID - 135
• Research, Studies, &
Monitoring-Evaluation- Learning
Project Monitor to the Teacher Education Support Program (TESP)
Funding Agency
Dept of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development [DFATD (now GAC)]
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MOEST) of Tanzania
Key Staffing:
• J. Ndambuki
• J. Chester
• N. Fairweather
Associated Firm/ Organization
Canadian & International Project Management Limited (CIPM), Canada