DevPar Financial Consulting Ltd.
DevPar Financial Consulting Ltd. Banner, DevPar logo in the center of the banner which is a 
world globe divided in two. One half is part of a D, the other half is part of a P. Two world maps in the background, one of each side of 
the DevPar logo. 4 pictures of various people from around the world are stacked on each side on top of the world maps in the background
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DevPar logo which is a 
world globe divided in two. One half is part of a D, the other half is part of a P.
Project ID - 142
Central Asian Region
Country of Pakistan

Product Development and Staff Training

SME Bank Building Description
To assess the SME credit support being provided and identify additional forms of credit to meet the needs of SMEs; to design new products, and to train staff in their promotion, support, and delivery. Reviewed the range of products and the service level for each. Met with customer representatives and compared the Bank's offerings with those of competing banks. Designed new products for the Bank and outlined the back-office requirements to meet target service levels. Provided training to staff.

 DevPar Financial Consulting Ltd. Project ID - 142
 Private Sector
Product Development and Staff Training
Funding Agency
CIDA Canada
SME Bank
Key Staffing:
 J. McNulty
Associated Firm/

DevPar logo which is a 
world globe divided in two. One half is part of a D, the other half is part of a P.

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