DevPar Financial Consulting Ltd.
DevPar Financial Consulting Ltd. Banner, DevPar logo in the center of the banner which is a 
world globe divided in two. One half is part of a D, the other half is part of a P. Two world maps in the background, one of each side of 
the DevPar logo. 4 pictures of various people from around the world are stacked on each side on top of the world maps in the background
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DevPar logo which is a 
world globe divided in two. One half is part of a D, the other half is part of a P.
Project ID - 46
Austral/Pacific Region

Evaluation of Training and Technical Assistance
to the Offices of the Auditors General of the South Pacific

A view of Vanuatu Description
Worked with a representative of the Office of Project Evaluation of the Asian Development Bank to evaluate six Technical Assistance (TA) projects. These consisted of two direct TA's and four regional training projects aimed at strengthening the OAGs in thirteen countries in the South Pacific.
(ADB TAs 1389-KIR/2463-FIJ and
RETAs 5910/5830/5589/5347)

 DevPar Financial Consulting Ltd. Project ID - 46
 Public Sector Reform
  & Governance
 Research, Studies, &
Evaluation of Training and TA to the Offices of the Auditors General of the South Pacific
Funding Agency
Asian Development Bank
Key Staffing:
 H. Knight
Associated Firm/

DevPar logo which is a 
world globe divided in two. One half is part of a D, the other half is part of a P.

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