DevPar has been conducting projects in Financial & Capital Market Reform since our inception. We have undertaken feasibility studies for the introduction of new markets and products, the strengthening of market supervision and regulation, the establishment of new institutions, extensive training of market participants, and the restructuring of existing institutions.
We offer a wide range of technical expertise with international experience that can work effectively to achieve reform across the spectrum of financial and capital markets.
In addition to the support provided to the larger, traditional, financial institutions in the formal sector, DevPar has considerable experience in microfinance, rural credit, credit unions, and other financial co-operatives. Our work in these sectors has included policy, regulatory, deposit insurance, non-performing loan recovery, and strengthening projects. Training and new product development carried out in a marketing context have also been extensive. In several situations, our teams have led turnarounds of institutions that were operating with less than satisfactory results.
Our professional staff include a wide variety of experienced banking, securities, and insurance personnel from developed countries whose backgrounds cover policy development, regulation, and basic, institutional functions covering both front and back office activities.