DevPar Financial Consulting Ltd.
DevPar Financial Consulting Ltd. Banner, DevPar logo in the center of the banner which is a 
world globe divided in two. One half is part of a D, the other half is part of a P. Two world maps in the background, one of each side of 
the DevPar logo. 4 pictures of various people from around the world are stacked on each side on top of the world maps in the background
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Our Areas of Specialization
Regional & Community Development (REG)

DevPar has been working closely together with NGOs and other development organizations on projects that seek to alleviate poverty through the development of economic activity. Taken in a holistic sense, training in life skills and economic activity can be closely related. Economic issues are often impacted by gender limitations with adverse consequences for family units. Accordingly, many projects in community development focus on gender strategies for overcoming constraints.

The introduction of microfinance has been one way that natural opportunities for economic activity have been encouraged and supported. Our work in this area has stimulated a variety of microenterprise development opportunities. Removing barriers to accessing financial services, for example, has been a major component of many microfinance projects.

DevPar has led conferences, published papers, and worked with representatives of a wide range of financial cooperatives and microfinance institutions to build internal capacity. Building stronger smaller institutions will assist them to address a broader range of financial needs and numbers of poorer citizens. This can have a parallel effect that increases employment and economic activity in the community.

List of projects preformed in:

DevPar logo which is a 
world globe divided in two. One half is part of a D, the other half is part of a P.  

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